There's been lots going on this week to distract me from my studies! However, all distractions have been welcomed with open arms. The days are set up so much better here and I have adapted my schedule accordingly. Instead of procrastinating all day and then studying through the night with a small break to eat (only because you NEED nourishment) like it is in San Diego, here we wake up early, study, eat a lovely long lunch, study, and then do whatever we want in the evening, including eating and going out if we so please! It's so nice to get up, get everything out of the way, and then not only feel accomplished but feel free to enjoy myself in the evenings. I love it.
I got the internship I mentioned before with the Migration Magazine in the Italian Lit department. The lady I'll be working with, Rebecca, is American and did her masters at UCLA. She's so sweet and is very excited to include me in the project and teach me all she can. She said, "I promise you won't make a single photocopy." I'm so lucky to have found an internship that will actually be worthwhile.
Wednesday was Elizabeth's birthday and she reserved the back room of Le Stanze for apperitivo. Everyone dressed up and there was a great mix of Americans and Italians there.

Thursday was Valentine's Day! We had a nice lunch the four of us girls (including a parmeseano compliments of Federica's mom--mmmmm) and then Azzurra and Federica brought their stuff into my room and we
attepmpted to study. Who studies on Valentine's Day anyway?

Then in the evening I went to this kind of weird tortellini show thing with the program. They did a big skit and told us about the history and we helped make tortellini wearing awful yellow smocks. We were all disappointed because there wasn't really a full meal involved. There were two tortellini chairs though, and I thought that was pretty cool.

Friday was Federica's birthday so most of the day was spent NOT studying and just preparing. The girls in the apartment have been getting a lot closer's so much fun to be able to talk about personal things and joke with one another in Italian! All day I called Federica 'Principessa'. In the evening, the boys next door and a few others came over for dinner and dessert. It was nice to have a relaxed evening with everyone...and Federica's tiramisu was amazing!

Saturday I decided to get out of the house and go to the Republic of San Marino with Shawn, Giuliana, and her friend from home, Kim. It's actually it's own country within Italy, kind of like the Vatican, which means that the rest of Italy hates them because they don't pay taxes. It's up on a hill with castles overlooking beautiful views of hills, red-tiled roofs, and the ocean. I loved the getaway.

T minus 7 days until my exam...and T minus 9 days until Barcelona! Woo-hoo!