Yesterday I went with Azzurra, Alessandro and Francesco into the hills outside of Bologna to go-if you can believe it-
rock climbing! At first I was just going to get out of the house because I was really bored...but then I ended up climbing as well. First off I got to ride on a motorino again (which is always thrilling), then we picked up the car and drove 30 mins outside of Bologna, and finally hiked up to this spot where there was quite the community of rock climbers! They boys all went first and then it was Azzurra's turn. Poor thing had never done it before so she was really scared. She got only about a quarter of the way up, decided she couldn't do it, and made Ale let her down, despite all our attempts to coax her into continuing up! Then it was my turn. Thankfully I've done it before, at the Rockanasium or whatever it's called in Davis, and so at least I understand how it works. It was relatively hard and I got stuck several times, but Francesco was really encouraging and wouldn't let me give up. I had to stop to rest a couple times on little ledges but I loved it because once I got above the trees I could see into this gorgeous, peaceful valley behind me that had little patches of crops with the sun setting behind it. I kept going even though I thought my arms were going to fall off and finally I made it to the top! The best part of course is coming down because I could belay back and it felt like I was flying! I think everyone was a little shocked that I'd actually made it all the way up, hehe...the one who wasn't even sure she wanted to do it! Afterwards Azzurra and I waited for the others in the hammock, chatting some more about the differences between our languages. It was really a lovely afternoon and I think I convinced Francesco to take us back again when we return from Calabria!
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