Monday, November 19, 2007

Give Thanks

Brittany's gonna be here tomorrow!!! I'm pretty excited, if you couldn't tell. I've got Jaren, our extra mattress from Ikea (pronounced eee-kay-uh) all ready for her. We're also busy counting down the days until Ringraziamento, aka Thanksgiving! Charlotte and I are putting on dinner here for some of our American friends and pretty much all of our Italian friends. So we're up to about a 20 person guest list, and yet still only 2 very tiny ovens. It should prove interesting! Not to mention Italians don't celebrate Thanksgiving and so it's not exactly a cake walk finding things like canned pumpkin mix.

I'm sad to be missing Thanksgiving at's one of my favorite holidays since we always host it at our house. My mom and I...regardless of how stressful it may be...have a lot of fun together putting it on. However, I'm trying to focus on Brittany's visit and my first own Thanksgiving here...both of which should keep me busy enough to keep from being too homesick. I hope.

I have so much to be thankful for. Family, friends, health, happiness, my mom's visit, Brittany's visit, the opportunity to be studying abroad in such a great city! Everything here has come together so well. I have loyal, fun friends, a very organized program, a safe home with lovely Italian's all around turned out to be a great experience...and I'm only 3 months in! Thanks to all of you for reading my blog and for all your kind words and encouragements. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your families and take the time to remember everything you're thankful for.


Brittany said...

on my way! see you this evening! can't wait for a big hug. ps this post was really cute.
i especially liked the part about how finding stuff for pie was no cake walk. two baked goods in one sentence. mmmm.

Julia said...

I didn't really know where to leave this note, so I guess this is fine.
Your wardrobe I've seen in all of your pictures fits in so well with your extended Italian getaway (I think I'm going to refer to your year abroad as that for a while)... BRAVA! I really enjoy seeing what clothing choices you opt for in your pictures... its quite enjoyable. ... thought you ought to know.