The next day was my infamous, however anti-climactic when spent in Europe, twenty-first birthday! We slept in and then went for breakfast and champagne on the club level (hoo hoo) of the hotel. Here's some engagement photos of me and Britt from that morning (note the special birthday beads from Cheryl):
We went to Hampton Court Palace for the day, looking at the gardens, the kitchens, and the grounds. There was a small event happening in the Great Hall that afternoon called 'gift-giving' for Christmas. There were all these characters from back then, including the audience in their act. Towards the end, they decided to have a Christmas dance, which we all participated in. One of the actors, Sir Thomas Cottonpeppersomething, asked me to dance and took me to the front of the line near the Queen especially because it was my birthday :). Then we danced in a line with all the others and he was super flirtatious (as his character was supposed to be) and said sweet things such as, ''I've never had the pleasure of dancing with such a lovely gentlewoman'' or complimentary things such as, 'your gown flares just beautifully as you twirl' or hilarious things such as (to the Queen), ''It's Kelly's birthday, but I don't think I'll have the pleasure of seeing her in her birthday suit'' or naughty things such as, "If only I were able to do a different dance with her later" !!! It was too funny. Pretty sure I blushed the whole time.
That evening, Faith joined us for dinner and a drink in Soho and then decided to return to the hotel. Brittany and I spent the next few hours wandering London most constructively. We went from Soho to Picadilly Circus to Leicester Square to Trafalgar Square to The Thames to Big Ben! We got this one cooky but harmless guy asking us how many curly-haired people we know. He was stressing to us that they were a 'dying breed' and thus he started a facebook group titled, 'Curly of Hair, Whirly of Mind' in order to 'raise awareness'. Later, we looked it up and it doesn't exist. Too bad! Hehe...Anyways, it was a lovely tour of London at night on foot! After Big Ben we finally grabbed a taxi home and got off our feet! Here's the pics:
This morning Faith's cousin, Andi, and her family came into London to meet up with us. Before they arrived, we stopped into Harrod's for a moment, but since it was just when they were opening, we had to push our way in through a throng of people!
After we met up with the fam, we spent the rest of the day more or less wandering again. We went through Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, rode the London Eye, and walked over the Tower Bridge. Tonight we are going to relax in the hotel--I'm pooped! And here's the pics of today's grand tour:
how wonderful! I was disposed in Anaheim for your birthday, so i didn't get a chance to tell ya... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It sounds like it was wonderful!
hi Kelly
We love hearing of your adventures and what a great place to turn 21 and travel all over. Enjoying your blog. Happy belated B'day We love you
Jay and Louise
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