Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Big Move

I realized I've just been writing about my interests and not really telling you what's been going on! Today Charlotte and I hauled (almost) all our stuff over to the new apartment. We set up the room, including all the new bedding we bought on yesterday's not-so-fun trip to Ikea. Man that place is a nightmare.

We're still going to sleep in the residence tonight, for the one last night they'll let us, because our apartment still doesn't have gas or electricity. It looks really cute though. The room is HUGE and thus the furniture looks puny...but that just means we have a ton of space we don't know what do with and it's great! I bought a new duvet guessed it...purple! It looks quite royal and the fabric is pretty nice so I'm happy. :)

It'll be sad leaving the Residence for good though...we had a lot of fun there and it was nice always knowing what everyone was up to and just being able to hang out. At the same time though, I'm really looking forward to having my own space and being all moved in...and getting started on the real meaty part of the year!

Apparently here you don't sign up for classes. You just go to them, and then you sign up for the final oral exam. Isn't that strange??? So I feel very much like I'm floating since we haven't had our academic orientation yet and the whole thing is, well, foreign to me. I think I'm going to take a contemporary Italian lit class and then maybe a poli sci class about Italy's government. I don't know. It's all very confusing.

Also, I had a job opportunity for which I interviewed yesterday. It's to "babysit" this 5 1/2 year old boy named Ricardo and teach him English while playing with him. They'll pay me pretty well and it's only a few hours a week, so it'll be a great way to bring in just a little cash while I'm here but still have lots of flexibility with the schedule. Hopefully it works out because the first time I went to visit their house the little boy was very shy and hid from me almost the entire time!

There's only 1 week left of my ILP program which sucks because that means our final is coming up next week. It's both an oral presentation and an oral exam so that's going to suck. But whatever...I'll be living with Italians by then and I'll make them help me study! The girls are moving in on Monday I believe, so our place will feel a little more complete come next week. I'm excited to live with them! And to have internet in my apartment!!!

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